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Try these exercises, you can not only strengthen your body, but also help you reduce anxiety

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Try these movements

Aoxicidal exercise is the most effective for reducing anxiety.The general oxygen increase exercise includes jogging, free swimming, fast riding bicycles, skipping rope, aerobic training, fast walking, etc.


Jogging is the first choice for oxygen.As a relaxed fitness exercise, men, women, and children can choose. It is a national health movement.Many benefits of counting jogging:

1. Consumption of calorie is about 54 kg, and the calories consumed within an hour are about 420 calories (1 card = 4.184 coke); if the weight is about 68 kg, it is 588 card.

2. Release the tension of the muscles consume extra adrenaline, thereby reducing anxiety.

3. Increasing jogging of cardiopulmonary function will increase blood output when the heart shrinkage, reduce the heart rate when quietness, reduce blood pressure, increase the high -density lipoprotein cholesterol content, and improve physical ability.

4. The jogging of metabolic detoxification can accelerate the metabolism in the body, delay the aging of the body’s function, and excrete excess substances such as toxins in the body with sweat and urine out of the body.

5. Reduce psychological pressure and improve the horizontal and endorphins of the brain 5‐ hydroxyline, and then resist the depression invasion.


1. Buy a pair of good shoes to minimize the impact of joints.

2. Avoid running on hard ground, it is best to be grass, mud, mud or strong beaches.

3. Persistence is expensive, so the effect will be obvious.

4. Because of the weather, the road is not soft enough or air pollution and cannot be moved outdoors.


Swimming is also a particularly good exercise. It has many benefits, such as:

1. Enhance myocardial function when people exercise in the water, all organs are involved in it, with a lot of energy consumption, and blood circulation also accelerate to provide more nutrients with sports organs.

2. Suitable for muscle or bone problems, injuries or arthritis, swimming to the least impact on these people’s bones, which is more suitable than other sports.

3. People who are well -inflected bodybuilding and often swimming, will be more shapely and fit, giving people a vibrant feeling.Of course, the exercise time is different, and the effect of fitness is different.For aerobic fitness, 20 to 30 minutes, 4 to 5 times a week.Just relaxing, breaststroke is the best choice.It was strong and relaxed.


1. Some swimming pools are too high to disinfect the chlorine chlorine, which will stimulate people’s eyes, skin, or hair. Excessive silicone swimming caps will damage the hair.In addition, there are many germs in the water, so be sure to take a bath and mouthwash in time after swimming.

2. Prepare preparations before launching, warm -up exercise is indispensable to prevent exercise damage.

3. Try not to swim for people with one of the following diseases: ① severe heart disease; ② blood pressure is particularly high; ③ epilepsy; ④ hepatitis; ⑤ otitis; ⑥ gynecological inflammation; ⑦ skin damage (wound); ⑧ Infectious diseases; ⑧ Infectious diseases; ⑧ Infectious diseases;; Estaline asthma; cold, fever, cough, etc.


The benefits of riding a bicycle also have many benefits. In recent years, riding a bicycle has become a more popular sport.Like running and swimming, it is also a kind of endurance exercise that best improves people’s cardiopulmonary function.

1. Preventing brain aging and improving the agility of the nervous system, the function of modern sports medicine with decompression and wake -up brain shows that riding a bicycle is a heterogeneous dominance movement.Development to prevent premature aging and abolishment.

2. Improve cardiopulmonary function, exercise lower limb muscle strength, and enhance the endurance riding bicycle exercise for internal organs. The endurance exercise effect is the same as swimming and running.This sport not only mobilizes the whole body muscles, but also exercises joints and ligaments.


1. Choose a suitable bicycle. Of course, the correct cycling posture should also pay attention.

2. In order to achieve the effect of relaxing the mood and reducing anxiety, the speed of the speed is relatively high. It is about 24 kilometers per hour, that is, 1 km by ride in two and a half minutes.Of course, the road conditions are good, the vehicle is the best, and the safety is the first place.

3. Wear helmets for cycling to avoid riding at night.It can be faster on a flat road.When the weather is good, riding a bicycle is a pleasant thing. It is best to have a beautiful environment, less vehicles, and dedicated bicycle lanes.If the conditions are not allowed, a fixed bicycle in an indoor is also possible.

jump rope

There is a saying that “jump and jump, ten years young”.Some fitness experts admire rope skipping.

French fitness expert Moke specially designed a “rope gradual plan” for female fitness: jump in place for 1 minute at first, 3 minutes after 3 days, 3 months after 3 months, you can jump for 10 minutes in a row.After half a year, a “series jump” can be implemented every day.One -hour jump for half an hour is equivalent to 90 minutes of exercise in jogging, which is a standard aerobic fitness exercise.At the same time, it also has many advantages:

1. Simple and easy to skip rope skipping tricks, can be simple and complicated, can be done at any time, it can be learned at any time. It is especially suitable for fitness exercises in the low temperature season, and it is especially suitable for women.In terms of exercise, it is almost the same as that for 10 minutes, 30 minutes of jogging or jumping fitness dance for 20 minutes.

2. Exercise a variety of organs can enhance the function of human cardiovascular, breathing and nervous system.Studies have confirmed that skipping rope can prevent many diseases such as diabetes, arthritis, obesity, osteoporosis, hypertension, muscle atrophy, hyperlipidemia, insomnia, depression, menopausal syndrome and other diseases.For women with breastfeeding and menopause, skipping rope also has the positive role of relaxing emotions, so it is also conducive to women’s mental health and is also very helpful for patients with anxiety.

3. The rope -skilled brain is the most healthy brain Chinese medicine that the feet are the root of the human body.The rope skipping can promote the cycle, make people’s spiritual comfort, and walk powerful, which can play a role in passing the monopoly, healthy brain, and gentle viscera.


1. Rope skipping people should wear high -quality high -quality and light weight to avoid ankle injury.

2. The rope should generally be 60 to 70 cm higher than that of the height. It is best to be soft and hard and thick.Beginners should usually use hard ropes, and they can be changed to soft rope after being skilled.

3. Choose the venue of the lawn, wooden floor and muddy land better, and do not skip rope on the hard cement floor to avoid damage to the joint and easily cause dizziness.

4. During the rope skipping, the thumbs and fingers of both hands and fingers are gently gripped. Other fingers are just placed on the shaking handle just, do not force force.In addition, you should look up at 5 to 6 meters in front of you, and feel the movement of the knee joint and ankle joint.The toes and heels need to be coordinated to prevent sprains.

5. Fat and middle -aged women should use their feet to rise and fall at the same time.At the same time, do not leap too much, so as not to be injured by the joint due to too much weight.

Content source:

People’s Health Publishing House published “Lift anxiety”

Editor -in -chief of this book: Chen Jindong Yanhu

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